Thursday 26 January 2012

Amazing Natural Home made Hair Treatment

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Home made hair treatments are a fun way of naturally treating your hair, why not try this out at a sleep over with friends or simply give yourself some DIY hair therapy!
These self made treatments ensure you aren't putting any harmful, dangerous chemicals in your hair and guarantee that your hair is getting 100 % natural nutrients and proteins for maximum hair growth and strength.
So let's begin....
Avocaddo Hair Treatment- For 1 hair treatment session
Olive Oil

1. Score an avocado, remove the peel and add to a bowl , churn into a smooth texture with a fork or potato masher
2. Bring 2 teaspoons olive oil into the  mix until blended with  the avocados
3. Add 1 teaspoon of honey to the treatment
4. Add 1 egg yolk into the mixture and stir into a thick regular paste
5. Apply the mixture to the roots of the hair and continue throughout the hair until it is all evenly covered, ensure the treatment is also applied to the ends.
This treatment is typically left in the hair for approximately half an hour, it  can be stored in the fridge for up to 24 hours.

Why is this good for my hair?
Avocaddo's contain nutrients which benefit all hair types , particular dry and  African American hair. It contains vital nutrients and proteins such as vitamins A, D, E and B6, magnesium, copper, iron, amino acids and folic acid which is essential to boost hair growth and is nourishing to dry, brittle hair.
Avocaddo is brilliant for protection against the harmful  UVA and UVB rays of the sun which can damage hair. Particularly useful for those who live in hot countries and people who expose their hair lot's of sun light. It is especially effective on hair when combined with oil and egg yolk .
Olive oil is good for repairing hair from damaged caused by chemicals in hair products, straighteners and curling tongs.
Olive oil also reduces and prevents hair loss, which can often be caused a hormone called DTH. Rubbing DTH into the scalp prevents the development of the DTH hormone Olive oil also is an effective conditioner, applying it to the hair will result in healthier scalp as well as softer, shinier hair.
Egg Yolk
This is a great hair ingredient, for those guilty of indulging in junk food  and poor diet. Using egg yolk in your hair ensures your hair will gain the vitamins a poor diet may be lacking, the vitamin A, E and D included, improve hair texture and sheen.
Honey gives moisture and gloss to hair, as it has a hygroscopic nature it naturally absorbs in moisture when exposed to the air, this moisture is transferable to hair and aids gloss and sheen.

Wednesday 25 January 2012

Ways to stick to New Years Resolutions & Goals

1. Set deadlines and dates that you want to complete your goal by.
      Ways to stick to New Years Resolutions & Goals This will give you
     a good idea of whether your procrastinating . You will also get
    of a sense of urgency and self- discipline to take action in time. Huge goals, which require a lot of time can be broken down into manageable targets and will seem more approachable and less overwhelming.
2. Be realistic about the resolutions you make, and limit the amount of goals you have. It is better to narrow your goals down to a few 
      which you have time to complete, this avoids the sense of disappointment you could face if you set a goal you are not ready to commit to.
3.  This is a favourite of mine , a powerful tool is to post visual reminders of your goal to yourself, photographs, posters , notes on the wall, images help to bring your goal to reality and act as a reminder to stay focused on your target, particularly at times your mind may be losing site of your wishes.
4. Build a support system, get your family and friends involved in your mission! Discuss your goal with your family and peers, but be careful to only enlist the help of those who will be encouraging and supportive. Once they are aware of your goal, their expectations of your success with it will also be motivating for you.
5. Surround yourself with people who have a similar goal. Being around people who are also interested in your target, will give you ideas of ways to reach your goal and will also help to familiarise yourself with it .
6.Give yourself treats  or rewards for achieving different stages you have set out for yourself, for example ‘only once you have done your 50 sit ups for the day can you watch the catch up  sessions of your favourite programme’. Rewarding yourself will give you more of an incentive and sense of fulfilment whilst also getting you into the right habits.
7.  Finally and most importantly, take action immediately! Do it now! One of the simplest and most effective phrases I’ve ever heard, was from a boy with a mental disorder on the Oprah Winfrey show, he had managed to control his rage and anguish significantly. His instructions were ‘Don’t think, Do!’, Sometimes we over analyse and make excuses for delaying things once we have wasted time over thinking. The sooner you take action the better… make that appointment, arrange the meeting, go to the bank, the dietician. …Whatever it is step out of your comfort zone, especially when you don’t feel motivated, and turn those moments into results!

Motivating slogans from adverts...